30 ml - MMHC2 is the second generation of MMHC. The formula offers a multi-dimensional approach to topical hyaluronic supplementation by combining 15 forms of hyaluronic compounds, hyaluronic precursors and a hyaluronic support technology in a peptide-charged delivery system. It offers water-based hydration and helps skin surface look plump, elastic, comfortable and uniform.
Amongst the 15 hyaluronic compounds is an extremely rare direct form of hyaluronic acid. Almost universally in the world of beauty, the term "hyaluronic acid" is used loosely to refer to "sodium hyaluronate" which is the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. When brands refer to "hyaluronic acid" in their information and marketing materials, in almost every case the reference is to forms of "sodium hyaluronate" which appears in the ingredient listing of the products. While several sodium salt forms of hyaluronic acid are included in MMHC2, the formula also includes 1.0% direct hyaluronic acid which appears as "hyaluronic acid" in the ingredient listing. This inclusion is exceptionally rare for a broad range of formulation and commercial reasons. Direct hyaluronic acid offers pro-repair support far beyond basic water hydration that sodium hyaluronate offers, resulting in improvements to the elastic appearance and the general healthy look of skin.